Calaguas Island, Camarines Norte: Full Travel Guide

Calaguas Island in Camarines Norte is a pristine and breathtaking paradise located in the Philippines. If you’re wondering where to find this hidden gem or how to plan your visit, here’s a guide to help you navigate your way to Calaguas Island.

Where is Calaguas Island Located?

Calaguas Island is located in the province of Camarines Norte in the Philippines. It is situated in the eastern part of Luzon, the largest island in the country. The island, which is known for its beautiful beaches and crystal-clear waters, can be found specifically in the municipality of Vinzons. Calaguas Island is approximately 12 kilometers long and can be reached by boat from the mainland.

Tourists and beach lovers flock to this popular destination to experience its pristine white sand beaches and picturesque scenery. The tranquil atmosphere and untouched beauty of Calaguas Island make it a tropical paradise where you can relax and unwind. So, if you are wondering where Calaguas Island is located, it is definitely worth a visit.

How to Get to Calaguas Island?

Looking to embark on an adventure to Calaguas Island in Camarines Norte? Wondering how to get there? Well, we’ve got you covered! In this section, we’ll take you through the different transportation options available. From air travel to land and boat journeys, we’ll provide all the information you need to make your way to this stunning island paradise. So buckle up and get ready for a thrilling ride to Calaguas Island!

By Air

To travel to Calaguas Island, you can opt for air transportation. The Naga Airport, situated in Pili, Camarines Sur, is the nearest airport to Calaguas Island. You can catch a direct flight from Manila to Naga Airport. Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines are among the airlines that provide flights to Naga. Once you arrive at Naga Airport, you can proceed to the Naga City bus terminal.

From the bus terminal, you have the choice of taking a bus or van heading towards Daet, Camarines Norte. The travel time from Naga to Daet is approximately 2 to 3 hours, depending on the traffic. Upon reaching Daet, you can hire a tricycle or a van to transport you to the Vinzons Port.

Vinzons Port offers boats or outrigger canoes known as “bangka” for transportation to Calaguas Island. The boat ride from Vinzons Port to Calaguas Island usually takes around 2 to 3 hours, depending on the weather and sea conditions.

Opting for air travel is a convenient way to save time and choose a faster mode of transportation to Calaguas Island. However, please note that flight schedules may vary, so it is advisable to check the airline’s website or contact them directly for the latest information.

By Land and Boat

To reach Calaguas Island, you have the option of traveling both by land and boat. Here is a step-by-step guide to follow:

  1. Begin your journey by land and reach the town of Daet, Camarines Norte. You can conveniently take a bus from Manila to Daet, which usually takes around 8-10 hours, depending on traffic conditions.
  2. Once you arrive in Daet, proceed to Vinzons, the designated jump-off point for Calaguas Island. You can choose to take a tricycle or a jeepney for transportation to Vinzons.
  3. In Vinzons, make your way to the fish port where you will find various boats that offer transportation to Calaguas Island. There are usually several boat operators to choose from.
  4. Engage in negotiations with the boat operators regarding fare and schedule. It is advisable to book in advance, especially during peak seasons, to ensure your spot.
  5. After finalizing the arrangements, board the boat and relish the approximately 2-3 hour boat ride to Calaguas Island. Please note that the duration may vary depending on weather conditions and the type of boat you select.
  6. As you set foot on Calaguas Island, you will be captivated by its unspoiled white sand beaches and crystal clear waters.

Remember to pack all necessary items such as food, water, camping gear (if planning to camp), and other essentials. Always stay informed about the weather forecast and sea conditions before embarking on this journey. Enjoy your remarkable trip to Calaguas Island via both land and boat!

Where to Stay in Calaguas Island?

Looking for the perfect place to stay in Calaguas Island? Whether you’re an adventurous camper or prefer the comforts of resorts and accommodations, we’ve got you covered! In this section, we’ll explore the best options for your stay on this stunning island paradise. From setting up camp amidst breathtaking natural beauty to indulging in the luxuries offered by top-notch resorts, get ready to find the ideal place to create unforgettable memories.


When camping on Calaguas Island, it is important to consider a few things to ensure an enjoyable camping experience:

  • Choose the right camping spot: Find a suitable area where you can set up your tent. Look for a flat and dry spot, away from potential hazards such as falling branches or rocks.
  • Budget for camping fees: Some parts of the island charge camping fees, so make sure to inquire about the rates beforehand and allocate a budget for it.
  • Essential camping gear: Bring all the necessary camping equipment, such as a sturdy tent, sleeping bags, camping stove, cooking utensils, and waterproof gear.
  • Food and water: Plan your meals in advance and bring enough food and water for the duration of your camping trip. It’s also a good idea to bring extra supplies in case of emergencies.
  • Pack light and responsibly: Be mindful of the environment and pack responsibly. Bring reusable containers and avoid unnecessary waste.
  • Safety precautions: Always prioritize safety during your camping trip. Keep your belongings secure, be mindful of your surroundings, and follow any rules or regulations set by campsite operators.
  • Leave no trace: Respect the beauty of the island by leaving no trace of your presence. Clean up after yourself and dispose of any waste responsibly.

From basic camping to luxurious resorts, Calaguas Island offers accommodations for all budget levels, because even paradise understands the importance of a comfy bed.

Resorts and Accommodations

When visiting Calaguas Island, there are various resorts and accommodations available for a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Many resorts offer beachfront accommodations with stunning views of the crystal-clear waters.

  1. Some resorts provide private cottages with modern amenities, perfect for couples or small groups. These cottages offer a cozy and intimate atmosphere, ensuring a relaxing stay.
  2. For larger groups, some resorts offer spacious villas or beach houses that can accommodate several guests. These accommodations often come with multiple bedrooms and living areas, providing ample space for everyone.
  3. If you prefer a more budget-friendly option, there are also camping facilities available on the island. These camping grounds provide a unique and adventurous experience, allowing you to be closer to nature.
  4. When choosing a resort or accommodation, consider the amenities they offer. Some resorts have swimming pools, restaurants, and recreational activities, ensuring that you have everything you need for a memorable vacation.
  5. Review the location of the resorts and accommodations. Some are located near popular attractions and activities, while others offer a more secluded and peaceful environment.
  6. It is essential to book your resorts and accommodations in advance, especially during peak seasons, to secure your preferred choice.

Remember to check the reviews and ratings of the resorts and accommodations to ensure a comfortable and satisfactory experience during your visit to Calaguas Island.

Things to Do on Calaguas Island

Looking for some adventure on Calaguas Island? Look no further – we’ve got a list of exciting activities to make your island getaway unforgettable. From thrilling beach activities to exploring the hidden gems while snorkeling and diving, and even hiking and discovering the island’s secrets, there’s something for every traveler. So pack your bags, grab your snorkel, and get ready for an action-packed trip to Calaguas Island!

Beach Activities

Calaguas Island offers a range of exciting Beach Activities for visitors to enjoy.

  • Swimming: Take a refreshing dip in the crystal clear waters surrounding the island.
  • Sunbathing: Relax on the pristine sandy beaches and soak up the warm tropical sun.
  • Beach Volleyball: Gather a group of friends for a fun game of beach volleyball on the soft sands.
  • Frisbee: Toss a frisbee around and challenge your throwing skills with friends and family.
  • Picnicking: Settle down on the beach and enjoy a delicious picnic while taking in the stunning views.
  • Beach Yoga: Find your inner peace and practice yoga on the beach, allowing the calm surroundings to enhance your practice.
  • Beach Bonfire: Experience a magical evening by lighting a bonfire on the beach and enjoy storytelling and s’mores.
  • Beach Walks: Take a leisurely stroll along the shoreline, feeling the gentle waves and enjoying the scenic beauty.

These Beach Activities provide ample opportunities for relaxation, socializing, and making lasting memories on Calaguas Island.

Island hopping: because exploring one island is too mainstream, why not hop to multiple islands and make the sea jealous of your multitasking skills?

Island Hopping

Island hopping is one of the key activities to experience on Calaguas Island. Visitors can partake in the adventure of exploring the surrounding islands and uncovering their unique beauty and attractions. The pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and stunning landscapes make island hopping an absolute must-do experience. With numerous islands to choose from, each offering its own distinct charm and allure, island hopping allows travelers to completely immerse themselves in the natural wonders of the region.

When participating in island hopping tours, visitors can delight in a range of activities including swimming, snorkeling, and even diving to discover the vibrant marine life beneath the surface. They can also marvel at the breathtaking views of the islands and soak in the serenity of the surroundings.

Whether it’s exploring hidden coves, lounging on secluded beaches, or simply reveling in the peaceful atmosphere of the islands, island hopping is an exhilarating undertaking that beautifully showcases the splendor of Calaguas Island and its neighboring islets. It presents a magnificent opportunity to forge unforgettable memories and catch a glimpse of the diverse natural wonders that the region has to offer. So, gather your snorkeling gear, pack your sunblock, and set off on an exciting island hopping adventure to fully savor the beauty of Calaguas Island.

Snorkeling and Diving

When it comes to snorkeling and diving in Calaguas Island, there are numerous amazing opportunities to explore its underwater wonders.

  • Rich Marine Life: Calaguas Island offers a diverse marine ecosystem, teeming with colorful coral reefs and a wide variety of fish species. Snorkeling and diving here will provide you with the chance to witness the vibrant beauty of the underwater world.
  • Crystal Clear Waters: The waters surrounding Calaguas Island are renowned for their clarity. With exceptional visibility, snorkelers and divers can enjoy unobstructed views of the marine life and the underwater landscape.
  • Snorkeling Spots: There are designated snorkeling areas around the island, where you can easily access the underwater world. These spots are usually located close to the shore and are suitable for beginners and experienced snorkelers alike.
  • Diving Sites: For those interested in diving, Calaguas Island offers several diving sites with varying depths and levels of difficulty. Whether you are a novice or an experienced diver, there are options available to suit your skill level.
  • Marine Conservation: Calaguas Island is dedicated to the preservation of its marine ecosystem. Snorkeling and diving in a responsible and respectful manner is crucial to protect the fragile underwater environment.

Immersing yourself in the snorkeling and diving experiences in Calaguas Island will enable you to witness the beauty of its marine life, enjoy the crystal-clear waters, and support the conservation efforts of the island.
Hiking and exploration on Calaguas Island: where nature takes the term getting lost to a whole new level.

Hiking and Exploration

Hiking and exploration on Calaguas Island offers breathtaking views and an opportunity to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the island.

  1. Ascend to the summit of Mount Timbaon for panoramic views of the surrounding islands and crystal-clear waters.
  2. Traverse the lush forests and encounter diverse flora and fauna along the way.
  3. Explore the hidden coves and secluded beaches, each offering its own unique charm.
  4. Discover the captivating rock formations that have been shaped by the elements over time.
  5. Immerse yourself in the local culture by visiting the nearby fishing villages and interacting with the friendly locals.
  6. Capture stunning photographs of the picturesque landscapes and create lasting memories.

Whether you’re an experienced hiker or a beginner, there are trails suitable for all levels of fitness and expertise. The island’s pristine beauty and untouched terrain make it an ideal destination for hiking enthusiasts. Plan your visit accordingly and make sure to bring comfortable footwear, sunscreen, and plenty of water to stay hydrated throughout your adventure. Embark on a journey of discovery and let the trails of Calaguas Island lead you to unforgettable experiences.

Best Time to Visit Calaguas Island

The best time to visit Calaguas Island is during the dry season from March to May. This period offers the most favorable weather conditions with low chances of rainfall. The average temperature during this time ranges from 25 to 33 degrees Celsius, providing a pleasant and comfortable environment for tourists.

Visiting Calaguas Island during the dry season allows you to fully enjoy the crystal clear waters, pristine white sand beaches, and stunning landscapes. It is the best time to experience the island’s natural beauty in a more serene and peaceful atmosphere. You can engage in various water activities such as swimming, snorkeling, and island hopping without any disruptions due to rain or strong winds.

The dry season attracts fewer tourists compared to the peak season, allowing you to fully appreciate the tranquility and solitude of the island without the crowds. It truly is the best time to visit Calaguas Island.

However, despite the advantages of the dry season, it is always advisable to check weather forecasts before planning your trip. Sudden changes in weather patterns can affect your travel experience, so it is essential to stay informed and make necessary adjustments accordingly.

Tips for Visiting Calaguas Island

  • Plan your trip in advance to ensure availability and avoid any last-minute hassles. It is advisable to book accommodations and transportation in advance.
  • Be prepared for a beach camping experience as there are no luxury resorts on Calaguas Island. Bring your own camping gear, including a tent, sleeping bag, and cooking utensils.
  • Pack essential items such as sunscreen, insect repellent, and a first aid kit. Also, don’t forget to bring enough food and water for your stay on the island.
  • Take a boat ride from Daet or Vinzons to reach Calaguas Island. The boat ride usually takes around 2-3 hours, so be prepared for a long journey.
  • Respect the environment and practice responsible tourism. Keep the beach clean, avoid littering, and follow any rules or guidelines set by the local authorities.
  • Enjoy the crystal-clear waters and white sandy beaches of Calaguas Island. Take part in activities such as swimming, snorkeling, and beach volleyball.
  • Experience the breathtaking sunrise and sunset views on the island. Wake up early to catch the sunrise and find a spot to relax and enjoy the beautiful sunset.
  • Interact with the locals and learn about their culture and traditions. Respect their way of life and engage in meaningful conversations.
  • Disconnect from technology and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the island. Take the opportunity to relax, unwind, and appreciate the simplicity of life on Calaguas Island.
  • Take plenty of photos to capture the memories of your trip. Calaguas Island offers picturesque views, so make sure to bring a camera or use your phone to document your visit.

Some Facts About Calaguas Island Camarines Norte:

  • ✅ Calaguas Island is a group of islands located in the Camarines Norte province of the Philippines. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ The islands include Tinaga Island, Guintinua Island, Maculabo Island, and several other minor islands. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ The islands are approximately 200 km away from Manila and can be accessed through ports in Paracale and Daet. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ Tinaga Island, known for its long beach called “Mahabang Buhangin,” is a popular tourist destination. (Source: Our Team)
  • ✅ The local government and community are actively working to ensure the sustainable development and preservation of Calaguas Island’s natural beauty. (Source: Our Team)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Calaguas Islands?

The Calaguas Islands are a group of islands located in the Camarines Norte province of the Philippines. They include Tinaga Island, Guintinua Island, Maculabo Island, and several other minor islands.

Where is Tinaga Island located?

Tinaga Island is one of the islands in the Calaguas group and is known for its long beach called “Mahabang Buhangin.” It is located in the Camarines Norte province of the Philippines.

What efforts are being made for waste management on Calaguas Island?

The local government and community of Calaguas Island have implemented a waste management program to address concerns about increased tourism. Efforts are being made to ensure proper disposal and management of waste on the island.

What is being done to control boat traffic on Calaguas Island?

The local government and community are actively working to control boat traffic on Calaguas Island. This is done to minimize the impact of tourism and preserve the tranquility of the island.

How do local tour operators contribute to the preservation of Calaguas Island?

Local tour operators, such as Calaguas Local, play an active role in promoting better local eco-tourism on Calaguas Island. They are encouraged to preserve the quiet and peaceful nature of the island.

What is the concern regarding the closure and redevelopment of Boracay in 2018?

Locals and natives of Calaguas Island are concerned that the closure and redevelopment of Boracay in 2018 may negatively impact the peace and serenity of Calaguas Island. There is a worry that this closure may divert more tourism to Calaguas Island, potentially overcrowding and disturbing the natural beauty.

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